Category Archives for "Opinion"

FB TFP 277_ The 8 Racquets I'm Testing To Choose My Next Stick with Sam Jones

TFP 277: The 8 Racquets I’m Testing To Choose My Next Stick with Sam Jones

On Episode 277 of The Tennis Files Podcast, Mehrban and Tennis Express playtester and content writer Sam Jones will talk about the 8 racquets I’m testing to choose my next stick.Sam has always been fascinated by new racquet and string technologies and how they can help players improve their games and avoid injury. This passion […]

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FB TFP 272_ Epic Tennis Stories with Andrew Reiley

TFP 272: Epic Tennis Stories with Andrew Reiley

On Episode 272 of The Tennis Files Podcast, Andrew Reiley from Cult Tennis will share epic tennis stories.Andrew is the founder of Cult Tennis Youtube Channel where he tackles all aspects of the sport including players, tournaments, controversies, scandals, and more. He is a former Division III College tennis player and he majored in Nutrition […]

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1 FB TFP 249 Pushers Win, Hitters Win, Tweeners Lose with Peter Freeman

TFP 249: Pushers Win, Hitters Win, Tweeners Lose with Peter Freeman

On this episode of the podcast, Mehrban and Peter Freeman from Crunch Time Coaching reveal the differences between “pushers”, hitters, and tweener players and why the first two player types usually win while the tweener usually loses! This episode is taken from a recent livestream that I did with Peter on Tennis Summit 2022!Peter has […]

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2 FB TFP 248_ Injury Prevention and Recovery with Dr. Reza Ghorbani

TFP 248: Injury Prevention and Recovery with Dr. Reza Ghorbani

On Episode 248 of The Tennis Files Podcast, Mehrban spoke with Dr. Reza Ghorbani of APMI Health and Wellness Center about injury prevention and recovery for tennis players.On the show, you’ll learn about the critical concept of early intervention, how to train your body to prevent injuries, the best exercises to strengthen your ankles, advanced […]

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1 FB TFP 247_ Preparing for Intense Practices, Developing Consistency, and the Keys to Improving Your Serve with Mike Digby

TFP 247: Preparing for Intense Practices, Developing Consistency, and the Keys to Improving Your Serve with Mike Digby

On Episode 247 of The Tennis Files Podcast, I spoke with tennis coach Mike Digby about how he prepares for intense practices, develops consistency, and the keys to improving your serve.Mike is currently coaching at Soto Tennis Academy in Spain. He is a former US collegiate tennis player and he graduated in 2019. He worked […]

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