Today I host a solo episode discussing an aspect of tennis that is widely ignored and severely underutilized: match strategy. Tennis players often play matches without thinking through the strategies and point patterns which will maximize their success on the court.
Players should always consider the strengths and weaknesses of their own game, their opponent’s game, and formulate a strategy based on these considerations that will give them the best chance to win the match. A game plan will serve as your roadmap to success and guide you on how you need to play against your opponent.
On this episode, you will learn:
- How to formulate optimal match strategy
- Questions to ask yourself about your game
- Questions to ask about your opponent’s game
- The advantages of having a pre-match game plan
- How you can be flexible with your game plan if needed
- Examples of how you can use match strategy to your advantage
- Why Brad Gilbert thinks a pre-match game plan is vital for success
- How a pre-match game plan can help you play optimally in pressure situations
and more.
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Links Mentioned in This Episode
Winning Ugly by Brad Gilbert – Note: this is an affiliate link, so I get a small commission if you buy the book through this link!
College Tennis Alumni Event – for those of you in the DC area.