My guest today is my friend and ATP coach Othmane Garma. Othmane coaches Treat Huey, who with Max Mirnyi, is the #3 doubles team in the world. Treat is ranked #26 on the ATP doubles tour, and he spoke with me on Episode 7 of The Tennis Files Podcast.
I first met Othmane as a junior player in the Mid-Atlantic area. Othmane was a tough and powerful junior and college player whose love for the game pushed him towards the coaching profession.
On the show, Othmane and I discussed how he got into coaching, the role of coaches, and his experiences on the ATP Tour. Othmane also gave us a ton of fantastic information about how to play optimal doubles for club players up to the professional level. We analyzed Treat’s progression and how he was able to push his way to the top levels of the ATP doubles tour.
Othmane is also an entreprenuer: OG (Othmane’s nickname) and another friend of mine, Farshad Garakani, created an awesome platform, Courtplay, to help players find coaches and schedule lessons online. Othmane and Farshad also lessons at their tennis program, Courtplay Athletics, in Vienna, Virginia.
It has been such a pleasure to watch two guys who I knew from junior tennis progress so far up the tennis ranks, and I know you will learn a ton and gain fantastic insights into the world of being an ATP Tour tennis coach from my interview with Othmane!
On this episode, you will learn:
- How Othmane got his start coaching
- The difference between coaching club players and professionals
- What life is like for a tennis coach on the tour
- How Othmane guided Treat Huey to the top ranks of the doubles tour
- The most important skill to have as a doubles player
- What makes a great doubles team
- Why keeping positive and brushing off losses is vital to your success
- How Othmane and Farshad Garakani created Courtplay
- A typical day of training on the doubles tour
- What coaches think about when they are watching their players’ matches
and more.
I hope you enjoy my interview with Othmane! Let me know what you think!
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Links Mentioned in This Episode
I’ve Got Your Back – Brad Gilbert
Doubles Tactics – Louis Cayer
The Inner Game of Tennis – W. Timothy Gallwey
[Note: The links to the books are affiliate links, so I make a small commission if you click on them and make a purchase 🙂 ]If you learned something useful from my episode with Othmane, share this episode with a friend using the share buttons above or below this post!