TFP 080: Q&A 4.5+ Edition — Re-tooling Your Strokes, Backhand Tips, Serve Consistency, Returning, Advanced Drills and More!

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TFP 080: Q&A 4.5+ Edition — Re-tooling Your Strokes, Backhand Tips, Serve Consistency, Returning, Advanced Drills and More! [smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Mehrban Iranshad” title=”TFP 075: Q&A Edition — Anticipation, Fitness, Consistency, Technique and More!” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

On Episode 75 of The Tennis Files Podcast, I answer questions that I’ve received from tennis players like you about anticipation, fitness, consistency, technique, and more!  I routinely receive emails asking questions about all things tennis, and I picked out seven of them to answer on the podcast today.  

I really enjoy receiving emails from my subscribers and do my best to answer them all (even if it takes a little while!).  The questions and answers today are very likely to help a part of your game, and I appreciate every single one of you who has contacted me with your fantastic questions.

I really hope you enjoy this episode!  If you like the format, let me know in the comments below so that I can do more Q&A episodes in the future!

And be sure to subscribe to Tennis Files below to receive the latest tennis content to improve your game straight to your inbox!

Show Notes

  • Q1: How to anticipate where the ball will be to be in the best position to hit an optimal shot and intercept the ball (Dennis – 4.0)
  • Q2: How to motivate a junior player to focus on their fitness instead of spending time on the iPhone/iPad (Kevin – 4.0)
  • Q3: Improving reaction time to the ball and deciding what shot to use (Kay – 3.5)
  • Q4: How to improve the forehand topspin drive  (Harlan – 3.5)
  • Q5: Hitting the ball on the run and keeping it in play (John – 3.5)
  • Q6: How to deal with a toxic environment and coach at a tennis club (Prasad – 3.5)
  • Q7: How to learn to play the game correctly and with the right technique so that you don’t learn bad habits (Andrea – 2.5)

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Links Mentioned in the Show


Free Workout Plan to Improve Your Fitness

Google Sheets 

Tennis Round – Find a Practice Partner Near You

Article and Video Links

Roger Federer’s Fitness Training Video

Pro Tennis Players Prolong Their Careers Through Fitness

You’re the Average of the 5 People You Surround Yourself With

Tennis Summit Links

Tennis Technique Summit

Tennis Summit 2018

Podcast Episode Links

Ep. 74 – Jeff Salzenstein

​​My Youtube Channel!

Tennis Files Youtube Channel – Subscribe!  You know you want to 😉

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For more tips on how to improve your game, subscribe to my newsletter and download a free copy of my eBook, The Building Blocks of Tennis Success below!  Thanks for listening!

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