Category Archives for "How To"

1 How To Hit Effective Approach Shots

By: Steven Pisano – CC BY 2.0 Do you have trouble winning points at the net? Find yourself getting passed or hitting very difficult volleys most of the time? The key to winning points at net is hitting an effective approach shot. Most players, including me, were taught to hit the approach shot down the line […]

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16 How to Beat a Pusher: 5 Surefire Tactics

Photo by: Edwin Martinez – CC BY 2.0 I would like to establish that I have all the respect in the world for pushers.  While they tend to lack firepower, or may have ugly strokes, they often persevere through sheer willpower and an I will not miss a ball attitude. That’s a tough player to […]

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How to Become a Tennis Ball Boy in 3 Easy Steps

Several people have asked me how they or their child can become a tennis ball boy. And with good reason.  Tennis ball boys (or girls) enjoy their share of perks: free clothes, free shoes, access to the tennis venue, and the best seat (stand?) in the house. But before you can become a tennis ball […]

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