TFP 062: 7 Serve Killers and How to Fix Them

TFP 062: 7 Serve Killers and How to Fix Them [smart_track_player url=”″ social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

On today’s episode, I review the 7 biggest serve killers and how to fix them.  Over several decades of playing the game, observing other players, learning from my coaches, and the hundreds of interviews on my podcast, Tennis Summits, and Youtube channel, I’ve come to identify several huge leaks in tennis players’ serves.  And today I’m speaking with you one on one about them.

I’ve personally struggled (and still sometimes do) with several of these leaks, and I hope that you find this episode as useful as I do in identifying and finding ways to fix your biggest serve killers.  It’s certainly not an easy process, but if you work diligently and consistently at your serve killers, you will come out a much more powerful and consistent server.

I hope you enjoy this episode on the 7 Serve Killers and How to Fix Them!  Let me know what you think in the comments below!

7 Serve Killers (and How to Fix Them) I Discuss on the Show:

  1. Serve Grip
  2. Toss
  3. Hitch in Motion
  4. Shallow Racquet Drop
  5. Weight Distribution
  6. Opening Up Early
  7. Eyes Not Watching the Ball

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Links Mentioned in the Show

Tennis Summit 2018

Tennis Technique Summit

TFP057 – Top 10 Things That Improved My Game in 2017

TFP 022: Taking Your Game to the Next Level with ATP Pro Junior Ore

TFP 012: How the Universal Tennis Rating System is Revolutionizing Tennis with Dave Fish, Harvard Men’s Tennis Coach

If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to The Tennis Files Podcast in iTunes or your favorite podcast app!

As always, thanks for reading, and keep improving your tennis game!

P.S. If you’d like to receive periodic emails with my best tips to improve your tennis game, and a free eBook, subscribe below! 🙂

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