TFP 123: The Winning Formula for Tour Pros (It’s Not Hard Work) with Fazal Syed

FB TFP 123_ The Winning Formula for Tour Pros (It’s Not Hard Work) with Fazal Syed

On Episode 123 of The Tennis Files Podcast, I spoke with former ATP Pro Fazal Syed about what it takes to make it as a professional and have a long and successful career on tour.

Fazal was ranked in the top 400 in singles, top 200 in doubles, and played Davis Cup for India. He was also a Bronze Medalist at the Asian Games and the #1 ranked junior in India. Fazal is a top notch instructor as well: he previously coached Mahesh Bhupathi and Martin Damm, who are both grand slam champions, and was awarded the USTA Middle States Pro of the Year.  Currently, he is the director of Level7Tennis and a faculty member at Tennis Congress.  

On the show, you’ll learn how Fazal’s sheer determination and grit drove him to the upper echelons of the game, his transition from tennis in India to the US, how he managed to make the pro tour despite consistently training with players way below his level, his biggest takeaways from the pro tour, his thoughts on how to become a great tennis coach and much more!

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Fazal! Let us know what you think about this episode in the comments below!

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